Survivor Stories
Meet local survivors of cardiac arrest.
“I was taking a martial arts class at Basalt Middle ... read more
Hector Vazquez, Survivor
“I’m a bit of a fitness nut, healthy eater, and... read more
“Undead Ed”, Survivor
“I suffered a cardiac arrest while at Little Annie’s... read more
Tom Clapper, Survivor


No medical training is required to administer CPR and use an AED. You should not hesitate to take action even if you have not been trained. You cannot do anything incorrectly. Only inaction will result in death for the victim who is already lifeless. All AED’S are completely self instructive and will automatically deliver the level of electrical shock the victim requires.
However, in order to help you feel more confident in the event of an emergency, we have included some very good training videos here. In addition, Save a Life Pitkin County will be conducting training sessions at businesses and community locations within the next few months. Look for notices of our upcoming training sessions which are free and open to the public.

Continuous Compression CPR

Medical experts now generally agree that continuous compression CPR (CPR without mouth to mouth breathing) is the most effective method of reviving a victim and keeping him alive until professional medical assistance arrives. You do not need to be CPR-certified to perform this life-saving initiative. 
CPR training is also available through Aspen Valley Hospital and Colorado Mountain College. Check these web sites for upcoming CPR training classes.

Watch this video to learn how to effectively deliver continuous compression CPR.